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Media owner

PORR Equipment Services GmbH
Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna
Telephone +43 50 626-0

Corporate purpose: Rental, leasing, maintenance and servicing of construction equipment
Commercial register number: 310820p
Registered office: Vienna, Austria
Commercial register court: Vienna (registered office), Vienna Commercial Court
VAT ID no.: ATU 64352667
Member of: Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO), Vienna branch
Relevant professional law: Austrian Trade Regulations Act (GewO)
Supervisory authority: Municipal authorities of Vienna’s 10th district (Master Builder, Commercial Properties: MA 63)
State issuing authority: Austria

Web design, editorial system and support

Group Communications
Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna
Telephone: +43 50 626-0

Line of business

PORR Equipment Services GmbH is specialised in the rental, leasing, maintenance and servicing of all types of construction equipment.

Declaration on the fundamental direction of the medium

This website will primarily publish content from companies affiliated with PORR Equipment Services GmbH.

Management Board

Udo Magyar
Harald Mather
Werner Zenz

Legal information


All of this website’s content is protected by copyright. We expressly permit the use of all its data for private, non-commercial use. Any reproduction of its content must make explicit reference to the copyrights and ownership rights of PORR Equipment Services GmbH. Its content must not be edited in any way and must not be used on other websites or networked computers without written consent. Any use for public or commercial purposes requires the consent of PORR Equipment Services GmbH. Any breach of these terms will require the immediate erasure of all reproduced content. PORR Equipment Services GmbH reserves the right to assert further claims for damages.


PORR Equipment Services GmbH has taken every possible care in compiling the information presented on this website. The information provided on this website is checked and updated regularly and without prior notice. Despite this, details may have changed since the last update. PORR Equipment Services GmbH provides no warranty or guarantee as to the currency, accuracy or completeness of this information. The company accepts no liability for direct, actual damages, secondary damages or other damages of any kind that may arise in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on this website. This also applies to any other website that may be linked to this one.

Price data and other information relating to the shares of PORR Equipment Services GmbH are provided by Wiener Börse AG. This data is exclusively intended to inform visitors to this website and in no way represents investment advice or any other form of recommendation. Neither Wiener Börse AG nor PORR Equipment Services GmbH accepts any liability for the accuracy of this data.


We have taken every possible care in producing the information presented on our website. Nevertheless, PORR Equipment Services GmbH provides no warranty as to the completeness or suitability of this information for specific purposes. The use of information provided on this website is solely at the user’s own risk.